What does S.M.A.R.T Separation mean? In this video, I expand on the acronym Simple, Motivated, Amicable, Resolution and Team to describe elements of Collaborative Family Law and how it can help you resolve your family law disputes WITHOUT going to court!
Hi, I’m Alexandra, and in this video, I’m going to talk a little bit about Collaborative Family Law here at LEDA Lawyers, and why it’s a BETTER way to separate, using our SMART acronym. So, what does SMART separation look like?
S is for SIMPLE
We untangle the legal aspects of your separation with fixed fees and no hidden costs. From parenting matters to financial and property division, spousal maintenance, and child support, Collaborative Family Law (or Collaborative Divorce as it’s also known) can address all these distinct areas of family law without resorting to court.
In Collaborative Divorce, all parties begin by signing an agreement not to go to court. That means that if the process breaks down, the separating parties must find new lawyers. This provides everyone with a strong incentive and commitment to reach an agreement that best serves the whole family. As your lawyers, there is no benefit to us in inflaming an already delicate situation and dragging your matter to court. Efficiency is valued in this process and at LEDA Lawyers, our fixed fees model means that you pay for the result, not the time it takes to get there.
It is often said that there are no winners in Family Court. But your relationship breakdown doesn’t have to result in a mud-slinging, gladiatorial battle where, ultimately, there are no winners. By respecting each other and the issues in the dispute, Collaborative Divorce offers a calmer way to separate for everyone involved. Our additional Collaborative training enables us as lawyers to negotiate with each other on your behalf without antagonism or fanning the flames of conflict. We work amicably with your former partner’s Collaborative lawyer towards a mutually-beneficial outcome, even if you and your former partner can’t yet communicate respectfully with each other. This is especially important for a workable co-parenting relationship to be preserved for the future.
We are driven by family-focused and future-focused outcomes that are legally binding and enforceable. The bespoke model of Collaborative Divorce offers creative solutions that are tailored to your family’s unique circumstances. This approach has been successfully used to resolve family law disputes in the US for over 30 years and has even been used by several high-profile celebrities. We favour efficiency, value, and your interests over posturing and positional bargaining to help you reach a holistically better outcome – especially where children are concerned.
T is for TEAM
Remember that you are not alone in this. It is not a DIY process. You and your former spouse/partner are each represented by a Certified Collaborative Lawyer who advocates for you. The difference is that instead of a combative, adversarial process, Collaborative Lawyers have been specifically trained to work together to arrive at the best outcome for our clients (even when you and your former partner don’t get along!). The point is to achieve win-win results, not win-lose. If and when you choose, as part of your team, we can also work alongside other neutral, trained Collaborative Professionals, such as coaches, financial planners and child experts, who jointly and transparently advise and guide you and your former partner/spouse to a desired outcome. So expert assistance across multiple fields is at your disposable to empower you to make the best decisions for your family.
So there you have it – that is SMART separation in a nutshell. If you know someone who may benefit from this approach, please pass this message on or share this video. And if you would like to know more about how Collaborative Family law can help you thrive through separation and beyond, reach out to us at LEDA Lawyers for a FREE 30-Minute consultation.