If you have recently separated, one of the concerns you will probably have is the size of your legal bill after your property matters are sorted. Below are our top tips for keeping your family law property costs down without skimping on sound legal advice. Tip 1...
What does S.M.A.R.T Separation mean? In this video, I expand on the acronym Simple, Motivated, Amicable, Resolution and Team to describe elements of Collaborative Family Law and how it can help you resolve your family law disputes WITHOUT going to court! TRANSCRIPT...
There is a big difference. Many lawyers in traditional family law claim to “work collaboratively” with the other side in a matter. This may well be their intention, however, the very nature of traditional family law and the typical way lawyers practice,...
Following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, it is common for separated parties to be unsure and therefore anxious about their entitlements in a property settlement and the assets they are likely to retain. This is only natural given that Family Law...
Buying a property with someone else is a great way to share the fun, stress, and cost of the venture. Often people buy a house with their significant other, to make a home or invest together. Others buy property with friends, relatives or business partners. Joining...