How To Determine the Purchase Price When Buying a Property

How To Determine the Purchase Price When Buying a Property

Link to my new video in the Buying a Property series: In this short video, I guide you through agreeing on a purchase price for both private treaty and auction sales. TRANSCRIPT Buying a Property – Purchase Price – What you need to know (5...
Buying a Property? Make Sure You Budget For These Taxes

Buying a Property? Make Sure You Budget For These Taxes

What taxes do you need to budget for when buying a property in NSW, Australia? This video gives an overview of stamp/transfer duty, GST & Surcharge Purchaser Duty you should know about. View video here: TRANSCRIPT: Buying a Property –...
Selling a Property to Buy Another? Consider These Key Issues

Selling a Property to Buy Another? Consider These Key Issues

Are you selling a property to finance a new purchase? Consider these key issues first. This video covers timing, finance and other issues to be aware of before buying one property and selling another at the same time. Watch here:
Contract of Sale Review: When, Why & Key Issues You Should Know

Contract of Sale Review: When, Why & Key Issues You Should Know

Found your dream home? When and why should you get a Contract of Sale reviewed by a lawyer?  What are the key issues your lawyer should advise you on when buying a property? This video discusses the timing and importance of contract review when buying residential...
What is “Exchange of Contracts”?

What is “Exchange of Contracts”?

“Exchange” is a crucial step in the conveyancing process you need to know about. What happens at “Exchange of Contracts”? When are you actually bound to purchase a property? What do you need to do? Is it different for auctions vs private treaty...