Why it’s a bad idea to write your own Will

Why it’s a bad idea to write your own Will

It is relatively easy to find a free Will template on the internet and fairly cheap to buy a Will “kit” from a newsagent or online. There are also websites that have “data collectors” that take your information and create a Will for you seemingly without any legal...
Cessation Day & the Cancellation of Certificates of Title

Cessation Day & the Cancellation of Certificates of Title

Are you buying or selling a property? Do you hold your title deeds? In this video, I discuss the upcoming cancellation of Certificates of Title in NSW, Australia and tips on what you need to know about Cessation Day and 100% eConveyancing. Please follow this link to...
Buying a Property – Organising Your Deposit & Finance

Buying a Property – Organising Your Deposit & Finance

Planning on buying a property? This video discusses 5 issues to consider when getting your deposit ready and organising finance before entering a contract to purchase property in NSW. Follow this link to hear more: https://youtu.be/fEm2FeIIqFI TRANSCRIPT For many...